Green Elementary School

  • Category: Academic
  • Date: Feb. – Jul. 2015
  • Course: Architecture Design 1
  • Location: Tehran, Iran
  • Softwares Used: Mandatory Hand Sketch and Topography & Building Maquette

Design and Analysis of a Green Elementary School

  • Designed a 3-storey school inspired by the Nanyang Technological University in Singapore (Green Mark-certified, equivalent to LEED certificate)
  • Designed with regards to passive solar building design, optimum orientation to break the blustery wind, and create shading to decrease the need for heating & cooling, and create comfortable outdoor environment for the students
  • Unique and creative design of green spaces and green roofs based on Indoor Environment Quality (IEQ) & Cognitive Performance analysis, and to reduce Urban Heat Island effect (UHI) as a possible contributor to Global Warming and Climate Change
  • Supervisor: Dr. Arab Ahmadi